Friday, I drove from Lincoln on I 80 to York and headed south through Kansas. For living so close to Kansas, it's amazing how seldom I go to Kansas. I need to go back and do some more exploring. Before going too far into Kansas, I saw a sign for Norway. I had no idea the Norway was in Kansas... Clearly, Kansas also has an Agenda.........
Recently, I had the good fortune to meet the parents of a Norwegian foreign exchange student. I got to spend an evening with them and they wanted to look for some Bill Gaither DVDs. They wanted to buy me a gift and bought me a CD of Bill Gaither and other singers. The music was beautiful and I listened to it several times as I drove through Kansas. I sang along with Amazing Grace and learned the words to some of the others. I love to sing in the car when I'm alone.
The land was very flat as I traveled south. Before too long, I saw oil wells. I could even smell the oil as I was driving. I saw signs for lots of towns that I've seen in westerns or even that westerns were named after. I stayed in Dodge City. Who doesn't remember watching Gunsmoke. They still have front street and Boot Hill. I arrived late and left early this morning so I couldn't explore, but now Dodge City is on my list of places to go. I'm kind of thinking I may need a cowboy hat and boots. We'll see. That seems a little out of character for Nebraska Nellie--but it's OK to be a little eccentric.
Traveling on southwest, I saw signs for Cimmeron, and Dorothy's house. One town had the Dalton Gang's hideout.
After leaving Kansas, I drove through the pan handle of Oklahoma. I listened to the sound track of Oklahoma and sang along at full volume. Gordon MacRae is one of my famous Nebraskan's. He lived in Lincoln the last 20 or so years of his life. He has a beautiful voice and so does Shirley Jones.
I then drove through a corner of Texas and then across New Mexico and on to Flagstaff, Arizona. It was a long day. I played all kinds of music--Leslie Gore, lots of 70's music, Rod Stewart, Vonda Shepard and whatever else I had. Normally I listen to books on trips but I was singing my heart out. Burt would be proud. One of the 70's songs was by Paul Revere and the Raders--yet another famous Nebraskan. Loved it. Another song on the CD was "Easy Come and Easy Go" by Bobbie Sherman. Diane, I thought of you with this one. Loved it. Just checked and he has a fan website--bobbysherman.com. Check it out. Tomorrow I plan to listen to a book I have with me.
Driving through New Mexico was so interesting. I got a few photos but when traveling on an interstate, it's hard to take photos.
Today was Day 2 of my travels. Lots more to come over the next 10 days.
Nebraska Nellie