Friday, August 27, 2010

Happy birthday, Bob Kerrey.

Bob Kerrey was born on August 27, 1943 in Lincoln, Nebraska. He has been a fine example of a famous Nebraskan. He grew up in Nebraska and graduated from Northeast High School. He went to the University and became a pharmacist.

Kerrey then became a Navy Seal during the Vietnam war. He was an owner of several restaurants in Nebraska and then became a politician.

He was our 35th governor from 1983 to 1987 and our US Senator from 1989 until 2001. He ran for president in 1992. He and Chuck Hagel were senators at the same time and they made me proud to see them on the political shows. Rarely have we seen Nebraskans in that light.

In 1999, I took two of my nephews to the Nebraska Breakfast in Washington, D.C. This has been a tradition for many years that Nebraskans could have breakfast and meet with our members of Congress on Tuesday mornings. One of my nephews, age 14 at the time, so wanted to meet our Senator Kerrey. After the breakfast, Bob took pictures with some of his fans. My nephew wanted a picture and I took one with him. My nephew had son glasses in the neck of his FBI t-shirt. Bob took them out and had him put them on and Bob put his on. That picture of the "Blues Brothers" has been a treasured picture and memory for my nephew and for me. I'll always be a fan of Bob Kerrey's for this reason alone.

In my opinion, it was a sad day for Nebraska when Kerrey decided to leave the US Senate.

He became the president of New York's New School in 2002.

Bob Kerrey was honored with the Bob Kerrey Pedestrian Bridge connecting Omaha and Council Bluffs.

Happy Birthday, Bob.

Nebraska Nellie

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