Sunday, October 17, 2010

Korean War Memorial

I had never seen the Korean War Memorial before, but it is impressive. This is a photo of part of the wall that has actual photos of Korean War veterans lasered on it. The line in the photo is where two of the sections join. It is very difficult to get a good photo because to see the photos well, you have to look at it from an angle. Our tour guide is absolutely convinced that the photo in the middle is Alan Alda from MASH. I think she is right. He is not a Korean War vet but brought a lot of attention to that war in his television portrayal. It was an excellent show.

Nebraska Nellie


  1. Absolutely ridiculous. Tour guides can be gossip mongers and that's what this is, just idle gossip.

    Did that leftist show bring one bit of truth about the war or respect to the veterans? The whole point of the show was that the Korean war was a waste. It was a love letter to the communist North Koreans.

    I am a DC tour guide and there is NO WAY IN HELL that leftist Alan Alda had anything to do with this memorial. That is NOT his picture on it.

    1. This is my Father Corporal Harry H Reed. The man on his arm is Corporal Joe Magrum. The man two over to the left is Lt Fulton. M Company 19th Regiment 24th Division.
