Saturday, March 13, 2010

L. Ron Hubbard

Today L. Ron Hubbard would have turned 99 years old. He was born on March 13, 1911 in Tilden, Nebraska. Tilden is a small town of about 1000 people today and my grandparents lived there. He became world famous for his Dianetics and Scientology. He was a multimillionaire. Today a number of celebrities subscribe to the Church of Scientology. Only this week I saw a news story about members of the church leaving and being treated very badly. I have no expertise in this "church" which is called a cult by some. However, in researching for this article, I found a number of websites that cause me to have serious concerns about Scientology. I also found an article about his strange death. Feel free to google him and you will find many interesting things.

At least 20 and maybe 30 years ago, I remember my grandmother telling me that L. Ron Hubbard or his people wanted to donate money to Tilden, Nebraska for a park. Tilden would not accept the money.

He was born here and he is famous so I acknowledge these things to you.

Nebraska Nellie

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